her story
Ina Yosun Chang
AR/VR Software Developer and Founder & CTO, AReality3D
Ina Yosun Chang has prototyped thousands of 3D AR/VR apps at hackathons – and for agencies, companies, VCs and startups as a massively-parallel (and serial) freelancer. To build even more stuff, she made her own framework called RealityScript, which powers entire platforms for 3D AR+VR startups. A creative technologist at heart, she likes to use technology in ways that may make the hack seem like magic.
Previously, when she was known as Ina Centaur, she tried a social experiment locking herself in a room for two years to do nothing but create stuff in the virtual world of Second Life. She founded and became the artistic director of the SL Shakespeare Company (renamed mShakespeare) – where she got to do everything form designing the actor’s faces to costumes to theatres – as well as theatrical knickknacks in VR. (She also built a Flash creation platform during high school and created GREPhysics.net about a decade ago before leaving physics grad school.)